GN Transport wants, in everything we do, to reduce our ecological footprint for a more sustainable development in climate and environment. Equally important, we consider social sustainability for everyone who works with us.

We use the UN’s climate work and the Paris Agreement as a guiding principle for our group to minimize its emissions and in other ways within the business to compensate towards being climate neutral in the long run.


Sustainability Report

For GN Transport, social sustainability has been central since its foundation. Putting our employees, as well as our customers and suppliers, in focus is a matter of course for us. This is the basis for being able to maintain a service at an absolute top level. In recent years, the climate and environment have become increasingly important to the world at large. In accordance with this, GN Transport has invested more and more in reducing our climate footprint and making climate-smart choices to contribute to as high sustainability as possible.
sustainability solar cells

Solar Initiative in Halmstad

GN Transport takes a significant step in its sustainability agenda by installing solar panels at its facilities in Halmstad, reducing the company’s carbon footprint and demonstrating its commitment to environmental issues.

This project, which not only supplies the facilities with green energy but also contributes to the local power grid, marks a strategic business decision that strengthens the company’s position as a leader in sustainability.

0 kWh
0 kWh
*read more about our work with solar panels in our Sustainability Report

Lightweight trailers

In 2023, GN Transport invested in 18 lightweight trailers from Berger Ecotrail. The use of these trailers results in several positive benefits for our sustainability efforts:
  • Increased Fuel Efficiency
  • Higher Load Capacity
  • Longer Lifespan and Lower Maintenance Costs
  • Eco-friendly Image
  • Increased Safety

Intermodal Transport

Since its inception 40 years ago, GN Transport has been transporting goods from Sweden to France by truck, but has expanded to boat and rail transport to increase efficiency and reduce emissions. The company continues to develop its intermodal transport solutions to adapt to customer needs and contribute to reduced emissions.

Contact us today if you want to discuss intermodal solutions for your company.

HVO - A Step in the Right Direction


reasons why your company should consider HVO models

Significant Emission Reductions:
HVO leads to a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional diesel, helping companies meet environmental targets and regulations.
Compatibility with Existing Vehicles:
HVO can be used in existing diesel engines without modifications, making it a cost-effective solution for companies wanting to become more sustainable without large initial investments.
Improved Corporate Image:
By using HVO, companies can strengthen their brand as environmentally conscious and responsible, which is attractive to both customers and potential employees.
Reduced Exposure to Fossil Fuel Prices:
Using HVO can provide greater predictability in fuel costs and reduce the company’s dependence on the often unpredictable prices of fossil fuels.
Support for the Renewable Energy Industry:
By choosing HVO, companies support the development of renewable fuels, which can help drive innovation and development in green energy technology.

*read more about how we work with HVO in our Sustainability Report
gn transport sustainability goals

We work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Effectively achieving sustainability on a global scale requires everyone, individuals and companies, to work towards the right and common goals. This is why GN Transport uses the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which we try to incorporate into our organization in as many ways as possible.

un sustainability goals

LED exemplifies GN's sustainability efforts

We at GN Transport believe in looking at every single detail to reduce the footprint we make on the climate and the environment. As part of this, major work has begun to renew the lighting in all premises.

Switching to LED lighting is obviously a good way to reduce the impact on the environment. At the same time, it is a way to make investments more cost-effective. To date, we have made investments in LED lighting that are estimated to more than halve our kilowatt hours per year.

This investment is made in our main terminal and we are continuously working to make investments to update and, if necessary, renew lighting in the remaining terminals and premises owned by GN Transport.

Savings from LED lighting

ISO Certificate - A mark of good sustainability performance

Quality is of great importance to us, having the ISO 9001 certificate and using the guidelines to improve our overall service quality is a matter of course. The quality standards of the ISO 9001 norm are maintained in all offices.

ISO 14001 is used to manage and set up environmental management systems. All rules relating to environmental policy within the organization are incorporated. GN Transport currently holds this certification and is used as a guideline for daily operations throughout the group.

Our current certificates are valid until 2024-08-30.

Association Life - GN's path to social sustainability

Associations have always been close to the heart of GN Transport as a result of a strong interest in sport. Being able to help associations contributes both to strengthening the municipalities in our vicinity, but it also gives the athletes, adults and children, the opportunity to get physical activity and socialize. Therefore, we are happy to sponsor locally based associations.

Does your association also want a relationship? We are always open to discuss different sponsorships that can benefit both parties for a better social sustainability and a good mutual exchange. Together with you, we can contribute to a better world!

GN Transport

Cares for Association Life

Drott Handbollsklubb

Proud Sponsor

Halmstad Hammers

Proud Sponsor

Halmstad Bollklubb

Proud Sponsor